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acrylic resin any of a group of transparent synthetic resins that become pliable or set when heated and are used in acrylic fibers, plastics, and synthetic rubbers.
aquarelle (French) watercolor painting with transparent colors, or a painting done by this technique.
astrodome a transparent dome mounted on the top of an aircraft fuselage to facilitate the use of navigational or astronomical instruments.
cellophane a thin, transparent cellulose wrapping. [1/2 definitions]
cellophane noodle an extremely thin, transparent Oriental noodle.
chiffon a transparent fabric of fine weave, used in women's dresses and finery. [1/3 definitions]
clear able to be seen through; transparent. [1/22 definitions]
cloudy not transparent; murky. [1/5 definitions]
cornea the portion of the eyeball's outer coating that is transparent and covers the iris and pupil.
corundum an exceedingly hard mineral, aluminum oxide, occurring commonly in gray, brown, or blue varieties which are used esp. as abrasives, and more rarely in transparent, crystalline forms such as the ruby and sapphire used in expensive jewelry.
crystal not obscured or clouded; transparent; clear. [1/7 definitions]
crystalline resembling crystal; transparent; clear. [1/3 definitions]
crystalline lens a transparent, biconvex, lenslike body in the eye, between the iris and the vitreous humor, that focuses light on the retina.
diaphanous of fabric or the like, almost transparent; sheer; filmy; delicate. [1/2 definitions]
emerald a gemstone of brilliant, transparent, dark green beryl. [1/2 definitions]
fiber optics a method of transmitting light through fine transparent flexible strands, usu. of glass or plastic.
filmy consisting of or resembling a thin layer or haze; nearly transparent. [1/2 definitions]
fingernail a hard, transparent piece that grows on the end of the top of the finger.
fluorite a transparent, crystalline, and variously colored mineral that is the chief source of fluorine; calcium fluoride.
gauze a thin, nearly transparent cloth or other material with a loose or open weave. [1/2 definitions]
gauzy thin, light, and transparent; gauzelike.