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anapest a measure of poetic meter consisting of two short or unstressed syllables followed by one long or stressed syllable.
concrete poetry a form of poetry in which the arrangement of words and phrases on the printed page is intended to convey a visual as well as poetic image.
heptastich a poem or poetic unit with seven verses or lines.
indu'th (poetic, archaic) endows (contracted form of "endueth").
nonpoetic combined form of poetic.
ottava rima a poetic stanza of eight lines, the first six rhyming in alternation and the last two rhyming with each other.
Parnassus any center of poetic or artistic endeavor. [1/3 definitions]
poeticize to make (feelings, thoughts, observations, or the like) poetic; express in poetry. [1/3 definitions]
poetize to make or treat as poetic. [1/4 definitions]
poetry that which is poetic. [1/3 definitions]
prosody the study of poetic forms and meters. [1/2 definitions]
rhyme royal a seven-line poetic stanza in iambic pentameter, in which the first line rhymes with the third, the second with the fourth and fifth, and the last two with each other.
unpoetic combined form of poetic.
versification the art, theory, or practice of poetic composition. [1/4 definitions]
willow-wild (poetic) frail and thin, as coined by the poet and author Langston Hughes.
wondrous wonderful, esp. in literary or poetic usage.