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abalone a large edible marine snail, the shell of which is lined with mother-of-pearl.
agar a gelatinous substance derived from red marine algae, used esp. to solidify bacterial cultures and to thicken foods; agar-agar.
amphioxus a tiny fishlike marine organism characterized by a primitive vertebra and dorsal nerve tissue; lancelet.
Angler fish any of various deepwater marine fishes that have a large mouth over which dangles a wormlike appendage that lures prey.
anthozoan any of several immobile marine organisms, including corals and sea anemones; actinozoan.
ascidian any of various marine animals, such as the sea squirts, that have a saclike body enclosed by a thick tuniclike membrane.
barnacle any of a large group of marine crustaceans that are free-floating as larvae, but attach to submerged or intertidal surfaces such as wharves, rocks, ship bottoms, and the like, and form sharp-edged shells as adults. [1/3 definitions]
barracuda any of several long-bodied, fiercely predacious marine tropical fishes.
batfish any of the family of marine angler fishes, often found in the Atlantic along the southern U.S. coast. [1/2 definitions]
bêche-de-mer a wormlike marine animal; trepang. [1/2 definitions]
blowhole in the ice covering a body of water, a hole to which whales and other marine mammals come to breathe. [1/3 definitions]
bonefish any of several silvery marine fishes, esp. a bottom-feeder living in shallow tropical waters, having a skeleton composed of many small bones.
boot camp a military installation at which U.S. Navy or Marine recruits receive basic training.
bottlenose any of various marine mammals with a bottle-shaped nose, esp. dolphins.
brachiopod any of various marine invertebrates with hinged upper and lower shells and an armlike part with tentacles on either side of the mouth.
brit a group of small marine animals, esp. certain crustaceans, eaten by whalebone whales and many fishes. [1/2 definitions]
Cambrian of, relating to, or designating the geological period at the start of the Paleozoic Era, from approximately 600 million to 500 million years ago, when marine animals such as trilobites were in abundance. [1/2 definitions]
cephalopod any of various marine mollusks, such as the octopus or squid, that have highly developed eyes, and tentacles attached to the head around the mouth.
chart a marine or aeronautic map. [1/6 definitions]
commandant the commanding officer of a military post or of a military organization such as the U.S. Marine Corps.
cone shell any of several tropical marine snails, most of which have a poisonous bite.