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crown a coin, such as the koruna of former Czechoslovakia, whose name means "crown," or one that has the image of a crown or a head with a crown. [1/21 definitions]
Czech of or pertaining to Czechoslovakia or its people, culture, language, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
Czechoslovak a native or citizen of former Czechoslovakia, or a descendant thereof. [2 definitions]
Czech Republic since 1993, a Central European republic bordered by Germany, Poland, the Slovak Republic, and Austria; formerly part of Czechoslovakia; Czechia.
Munich Pact an agreement made in 1938 by Great Britain, France, and Italy to allow Germany to annex part of Czechoslovakia.
Slovak Republic since 1993, a Central European republic bordered by the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary; formerly part of Czechoslovakia; Slovakia.
Václav Havel Czech author, playwright, and politician, who was the last President of Czechoslovakia and the first President of the Czech Republic (b.1936).