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aware knowing or mindful; conscious (usu. fol. by "of").
bet to feel sure or confident without knowing (something) as a fact. [1/7 definitions]
-gnomy the art or science of knowing or interpreting.
idiom a verbal expression that cannot be understood merely by knowing the individual meanings of its elements, as with the phrase "break down," meaning "to lose one's mental stability." [1/4 definitions]
intuition the power of knowing or apprehending something directly, without learning it consciously or submitting it to processes of logic. [1/3 definitions]
Juneteenth the anniversary and celebration of the day, June 19, 1865, on which the abolition of slavery in the Confederate states was announced in Texas by Union Army forces. Before this date, slaves in Texas, part of the Confederacy, had no way of knowing that they had been freed on January 1, 1863 by the Emancipation Proclamation; thus, June 19th, now a Federal holiday, is celebrated each year in commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States. Technically, all slaves became free in the United States upon the adoption of the 13th Amendment at the end of 1865. The amendment abolished slavery everywhere, including in those slave-owning states that had not joined the Confederacy.
lost not knowing where one is, or not knowing how to get to one's intended destination. [1/6 definitions]
make allowance (or allowances) for to be lenient toward (someone) due to knowing and understanding why a certain behavior has occurred; excuse; pardon. [1/2 definitions]
meddle to deal with or use something without knowing or caring what one is doing; tamper. [1/2 definitions]
omniscient infinite in knowledge; all-knowing. [1/3 definitions]
polyglot using or knowing several languages; multilingual. [1/5 definitions]
prejudice an opinion, judgment, preference, or conception formed without knowing or examining the facts. [1/6 definitions]
skeptic one who doubts the possibility of really knowing anything, esp. a member of the ancient Greek school that adopted this view as a philosophy. [1/3 definitions]
smirk to smile in a self-satisfied, offensively knowing, or self-conscious way. [3 definitions]
suspect to have a theory or feeling that a certain thing is true without knowing what the facts are. [2/7 definitions]
suspense the state of being between not knowing and knowing. [1/3 definitions]
uncertain not knowing with certainty; doubtful or unsure. [1/3 definitions]
universal including or knowing many skills or subjects; broad. [1/6 definitions]
unknowing not knowing; unaware; ignorant.
up to date fully informed; knowing the most recent information (often fol. by "on," "as to," or "with regard to"). [1/3 definitions]
witting knowing or aware. [1/2 definitions]