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account an arrangement that allows one to gain access to a computer, a computer application, or website when one enters a username and password that one has established. [1/16 definitions]
activation code a set of characters, consisting of numbers, letters, characters, or a combination of these, that is sent by a website to a user's email so that the website can verify the user's email address and comply with the user's request to begin a new service or change personal information. Once received, the user enters the code into the provided box on the website so that fulfillment of the user's request can begin.
breadcrumb (informal) a series of connected pieces of information, esp. text links indicating a page's position in a particular website. [1/2 definitions]
cookie a small data file stored by a website on a user's browser, enabling the website to remember the user's log in, settings, and other activity on the website. [1/4 definitions]
Facebook the website developed by this corporation. [1/2 definitions]
follow to subscribe to a news feed on a website. [1/15 definitions]
like2 to show approval of content on a social media website by clicking a button. [1/8 definitions]
navigation in computing, the act of successfully finding one's way around a website. [1/4 definitions]
platform an application or website that functions as a base from which users can access a service. [1/6 definitions]
portal a website that serves as an entry point to the Web or a segment of the Web by offering a range of resources which may include a search engine, topic directories, discussion forums, email, and other services. [1/3 definitions]
post1 an electronic message that has been shared on a website. [2/6 definitions]
site shortened form of "website," a location on the World Wide Web that includes a home page and related, linked web pages. [1/4 definitions]
tweet a message of up to 140 characters in length shared on the Twitter social media website, which was renamed "X" in 2023. [2/5 definitions]
unfriend to remove (a person) from a designated list of friends on a social media website.
user-generated of or relating to content on a website that is freely contributed by people who use the site.
web page a document belonging to a website on the World Wide Web.
wiki a website or program that allows its users to edit its content and structure.
wireframe a visual representation of the structural framework of a website that is often used in website development. [1/2 definitions]