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Dictionary Suite
cheap-jack unscrupulous; opportunistic. [1/3 definitions]
cutthroat unscrupulous. [2/5 definitions]
hatchet man a person assigned to carry out a disagreeable or unscrupulous task for a superior. [1/3 definitions]
hetaera a woman who uses charm or unscrupulous means to advance her social or financial status; adventuress. [1/2 definitions]
knave an unscrupulous person; evildoer. [1/2 definitions]
pettifogger one who quibbles over trifles, esp. an unscrupulous lawyer.
rascal one who is unscrupulous or dishonest; villain; scoundrel. [1/2 definitions]
yellow journalism the use of sensational or unscrupulous material in newspapers and the like, with the aim of attracting or influencing readers.