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accelerate to cause (a particular activity or process) to happen faster. [1/4 definitions]
accompany happen at the same time or in the same place as. [1/4 definitions]
accomplish to cause to happen. [1/3 definitions]
act up to happen again or return, as an illness or malfunction. [1/3 definitions]
all-points sent out in all directions or to all receivers wherever they happen to be.
anachronism the representation of something as existing or happening at a time when that thing did not exist or happen, or a similar presentation done in error. [1/2 definitions]
automatic sure to happen. [1/4 definitions]
be to take place or happen. [2/10 definitions]
become of to be the fate or outcome of; happen to.
befall to take place; happen. [2 definitions]
betide to happen to; befall. [2 definitions]
bring about to cause to come into being; make happen.
can1 used to express the potential for something to happen or to be as one expects. [1/4 definitions]
cause to make happen; be the cause of. [1/5 definitions]
cause and effect of, pertaining to, or arising from a connection between two events in which one causes the other to happen.
certain sure to happen; inevitable. [1/8 definitions]
chance the estimated likelihood that a given thing will happen; probability. [2/7 definitions]
chronological according to the sequence in which things happen. [1/2 definitions]
cinch (informal) something sure to happen, or someone sure to carry out an expectation. [2/6 definitions]
come about to happen (used to refer to the sequence of events that leads up to something happening).
come to pass to take place; happen.