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clear out to go away, esp. in haste. [1/2 definitions]
dispatch a communication sent with haste or speed, such as a news bulletin. [1/7 definitions]
hop1 (informal) to get aboard (a commercial vehicle such as an airplane or taxi), esp. in haste; jump aboard. [1/7 definitions]
hotfoot to move in haste, usually to avoid trouble or danger; hurry. [2/3 definitions]
hotfoot it to move away with haste on foot, usually to avoid trouble or danger.
hurry to cause or urge (someone) to do something with undue haste. [2/4 definitions]
madly in frantic haste or desperation. [1/3 definitions]
pop off to say something in haste and without forethought, usu. in a burst of anger. [1/3 definitions]
rush1 to carry, drive, or cause to move with great haste. [3/12 definitions]
skip (informal) to leave secretly and in haste (often fol. by "out"). [1/10 definitions]