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adipose of, resembling, or pertaining to animal fat; fatty. [1/2 definitions]
arachidonic acid an unsaturated fatty acid that is an important component of the cell membrane and is considered an essential nutrient in the diet of most mammals, including humans.
atherosclerosis a form of arteriosclerosis in which deposits of fatty nodules collect on the inner walls of arteries, often accompanied by degeneration of the affected areas.
bacon a fatty, smoked, and salted form of pork, taken from the back and side of the pig.
blackhead a small, black-tipped plug of fatty matter blocking a pore of the skin, esp. on the face. [1/3 definitions]
bone marrow the the soft fatty tissue at the core of most bones, where many types of blood cells form and mature before entering the blood stream.
carnitine a compound, particularly concentrated in muscle, required for transporting fatty acids into mitochondria.
cellulite fatty deposits, especially in the area of the hips and thighs, which create a dimpled appearance on the surface of these areas.
cocoa a powder made by roasting and grinding the seeds of the cacao tree and removing most of their fatty oil. [1/3 definitions]
cutin a waxy mixture of fatty substances found in the nonliving cuticle of plants.
double chin one or more fatty folds of flesh beneath the chin.
endomorphic of, relating to, or designating a heavy body type characterized by relative prominence of the abdomen and fatty tissues. (Cf. ectomorphic, mesomorphic.) [1/2 definitions]
fatback the fatty upper part of a side of pork, usu. dried and salted for use in cooking.
glyceride an ester of glycerol that is the main component of fatty tissue.
lanolin a fatty substance extracted from sheep's wool and used as a lubricant in soap, cosmetics, and ointments.
lecithin any of a group of fatty substances containing phosphorus that are found in all animal and plant tissues and in egg yolk. [1/2 definitions]
lipase any of several enzymes produced by the liver or pancreas that aids digestion by breaking down fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
lipoid like fat; fatty. [2 definitions]
marrow the soft fatty tissue that fills most bone cavities. [1/2 definitions]
monounsaturated having one double bond, used esp. in reference to fats and fatty acids.
myelin soft, white, fatty matter that sheathes certain nerve fibers.