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Dictionary Suite
desultory disordered, disconnected, or unmethodical; aimless. [1/2 definitions]
disjoin to separate or disconnect, or become separated or disconnected.
fraction a small part disconnected from a whole; fragment. [1/4 definitions]
fragmentary consisting of fragments; incomplete or disconnected.
loneliness the feeling of sadness that may be felt when being without the company or caring support of other people or when feeling disconnected from those around one.
random (informal) disconnected from ordinary logic; nonsensical; inexplicable. [1/4 definitions]
scrappy1 consisting of bits and pieces; fragmentary, disconnected, or raggedy.
separate to become disconnected. [2/12 definitions]
separated being apart or disconnected from others. [1/2 definitions]
snatchy happening in, consisting of, or characterized by snatches; disconnected; spasmodic or irregular.
staccato characterized by a series of short, disconnected parts. [1/6 definitions]
uncouple to become unfastened or disconnected. [1/2 definitions]