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callback a request to a worker to return to work, esp. after a layoff or after normal working hours. [1/3 definitions]
campesino (Spanish) a farm worker or peasant.
caregiver a medical worker who provides care and assistance to an ill, disabled, or elderly person. [1/2 definitions]
caseload the number of cases assigned, as to a social worker or parole officer, or handled, as by a court or welfare agency, at one time or during a specified period.
casual a temporary or occasional worker. [1/6 definitions]
colony collapse disorder an event in which all or most of the worker bees of a hive disappear, leaving in the hive the queen, the immature bees, and some adult bees to care for the immature bees, and the honey.
coolie a low-paid, unskilled worker, esp. in or from China or India (used as a term of disrespect).
coworker one of two or more persons who work together; fellow worker.
dairymaid a female worker on a dairy farm, esp. one who milks the cows; milkmaid.
day laborer a worker, esp. an unskilled one, who is paid by the day.
fellah a native peasant or farm worker in Arab countries.
hand a worker or laborer. [1/17 definitions]
hard-hat (informal) a construction worker.
hobo an unskilled migrant worker. [1/2 definitions]
honey pot any of certain worker ants whose bodies store a honeylike food that will be used by the entire colony. [1/3 definitions]
journeyman a worker who has completed an apprenticeship, as in a craft. [1/2 definitions]
longshoreman a man whose job is to load and unload ships; dock worker.
mechanic a worker skilled in the production, use, and esp. repair of tools, machinery, and motors.
migrant a person who travels from place to place to find employment, esp. a farm worker. [1/3 definitions]
nonworker combined form of worker.
nurse in an insect colony, a worker that looks after the young. [1/11 definitions]