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breathe to rest a moment to regain one's breath. [1/10 definitions]
bring to to cause (someone) to regain consciousness; revive.
come around to regain consciousness; revive. [1/3 definitions]
come round to regain consciousness; revive. [1/2 definitions]
come to to regain consciousness.
come to life to regain consciousness. [1/3 definitions]
conciliate through friendly or pleasant behavior, to gain or regain (friendship or good will). [2/3 definitions]
convalesce to regain health or strength after an illness or injury.
evangelism the devoted preaching and spreading of the Christian gospel, in an effort to win converts to its doctrine or regain former believers; missionary work. [1/2 definitions]
get back to obtain something that one has lost; regain. [1/4 definitions]
Ku Klux Klan a secret society organized and active in the southern United States after the Civil War, which sought to regain white supremacy over newly freed blacks. [1/2 definitions]
mend to be restored to a healthy condition or to regain one's health; improve or heal. [1/4 definitions]
rally1 to recover rapidly from or as if from weakness, illness, or loss; regain vigor or value. [1/12 definitions]
recompose to regain the composure of (usu. used reflexively). [1/2 definitions]
recoup to regain, or recover an equivalent in value of, (something lost, stolen, or damaged). [1/2 definitions]
recover to get back or regain. [1/5 definitions]
recuperate to regain financial well-being after a loss. [2/4 definitions]
renew to revive or regain (strength or spirits). [1/6 definitions]
retrieve to bring or get back; regain; recover. [1/8 definitions]
revanchism the policy of a nation or vanquished people to aggressively regain territories that have been lost.
sanitarium a hospital or resort where patients go to regain or improve their health.