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Dictionary Suite
actress a woman or girl who plays roles in dramatic productions.
au pair (French) a girl or woman who works for a family, usu. in a foreign country, in exchange for room and board. [1/2 definitions]
ball girl a girl or young woman who retrieves stray balls during a tennis or baseball game, or who has charge of balls used in practice, as in field hockey or volleyball.
bandswoman a woman or girl who plays in a musical band.
batgirl a girl who retrieves baseball bats discarded by hitters and acts as a team's general assistant.
bat mitzvah in the Jewish faith, a ceremony in which it is recognized that a girl has come of age to accept her religious responsibilities. [2 definitions]
beau a suitor or sweetheart to a girl or woman. [1/2 definitions]
blonde of a girl or woman, having light-colored hair. [2 definitions]
brownie (cap.) a member of the junior division of the Girl Scouts. [1/3 definitions]
busgirl a woman or girl who works in a restaurant setting tables, clearing dishes, or the like.
Chicana a woman or girl of Mexican descent who lives in or is a citizen of the United States.
chit2 a child, esp. a lively young girl.
colleen a girl or young woman of Irish nationality or descent.
coquette a girl or woman who flirts excessively.
cutie (informal) a charming or attractive person, animal, or thing, esp. a girl or young woman.
debut a formal entrance into society, esp. of a girl, and generally taking place at a ball with many guests attending. [1/5 definitions]
debutante a girl being formally presented to society.
demoiselle a young woman or girl. [1/3 definitions]
duenna in Portugal or Spain, an older woman hired to accompany, care for, and protect a girl or young woman. [1/2 definitions]
female a woman or girl. [1/4 definitions]
feminine of or relating to a woman or girl; of the female sex. [1/4 definitions]