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carpel the female organ of a flower, consisting of a modified leaf that forms a single pistil or one member of a compound pistil, in which the seeds mature.
corn silk the long silky part of the pistil of the corn plant, lying between the rows of kernels and extending beyond the tip of the ear.
cross-pollinate to pollinate by placing pollen from one plant on the pistil of another of a different type.
gynoecium the female reproductive organs of a flower; carpel, or carpels collectively; pistil, or pistils collectively.
gynophore a stalk that supports a flower's pistil or pistils.
hypogynous of petals, sepals, and stamens, attached to the receptacle below the pistil, as in a tulip. (Cf. epigynous, perigynous.)
ovary in a flowering plant, the lower section of the pistil that contains the ovules or seeds and that enlarges to form the fruit. [1/2 definitions]
pistillate of a flower, having a pistil or pistils, esp. in the absence of stamens.
polycarpic having a pistil with multiple ovaries. [1/2 definitions]
stigma part of a plant that receives pollen; pistil. [1/5 definitions]