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access authorization or ability to enter, look at, or use something. [1/5 definitions]
anticipate to look forward to; expect. [1/3 definitions]
await to wait for; look forward to. [1/3 definitions]
bad apple one exceptional member of a group who behaves badly and causes trouble for all the other members of the group or makes the others look bad.
become to look good with; show to advantage. [1/3 definitions]
behold look at or observe (used as an injunction or exclamation). [1/2 definitions]
birdhouse a man-made nesting structure for birds, usu. built to look like a house. [1/2 definitions]
blink to look through partially closed eyes (usu. fol. by "at"). [1/10 definitions]
brainstorm to look for a solution to (a problem) by brainstorming. [1/6 definitions]
browse to look through (a book, magazine, or the like) in a leisurely way. [1/6 definitions]
butterfly in cooking, having been cut and spread out so as to look like a butterfly. [2/5 definitions]
cast to direct (one's eyes, or a look or glance). [1/18 definitions]
check to look over in order to verify correctness; examine carefully. [3/19 definitions]
check out (informal) to try out or take a look at (something or someone) in order to evaluate or form an opinion; inspect; examine. [2/5 definitions]
check up on to look at or seek information about (someone or something) in order to find out if they are all right or if they getting into any trouble.
consult to look to for advice or information. [1/4 definitions]
contemplate to look at long and thoughtfully. [1/4 definitions]
count on to look forward to (something) in a serious way; anticipate. [1/3 definitions]
cowl a loose neckline or collar that is draped to look like a cowl. [1/6 definitions]
dandify to make (oneself or another person) look like or become a dandy or fop.
deckle edge the irregular, untrimmed edge characterizing handmade paper, or an edge made to look like this.