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Dictionary Suite
at the end of one's rope at the limits of one's endurance or patience.
exasperate to annoy or irritate greatly; cause to lose patience. [1/2 definitions]
exasperated greatly annoyed after losing patience with someone or something.
exasperating causing one to lose patience and become annoyed or frustrated.
fed up at or beyond the limit of one's patience or tolerance.
forbear to show patience or tolerance in spite of provocation. [1/3 definitions]
fortitude strength, endurance, and patience in the face of adversity or temptation.
impatience the quality or condition of lacking patience. [1/3 definitions]
laborious requiring extreme patience and care. [1/3 definitions]
last straw the most recent in a series of irritations or disappointments, which causes a loss of endurance, patience, temper, or the like.
meek bearing difficulties or injuries with patience and humility. [1/2 definitions]
nerve patience, courage, or strength. [1/6 definitions]
nerve-racking inflicting great strain or irritation on one's patience, courage, or the like.
patient marked by patience. [1/7 definitions]
saturation point the upper limit of one's endurance, patience, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
temper calmness or patience; composure. [1/11 definitions]
tire1 to drain the interest or tax the patience of; bore. [2/4 definitions]
trial a person or thing that taxes one's patience. [1/8 definitions]