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b the seventh note in the musical scale of C major. [1/5 definitions]
eighth indicating rank or position between seventh and ninth. [3/4 definitions]
eta the name of the seventh letter of the Greek alphabet.
g2 the seventh letter of the English alphabet. [1/2 definitions]
Great Wall of China a defensive fortification in northern China which stretches for thousands of miles. Parts of the structure were built as early as the seventh century BCE. These and other parts were connected in the third century, beginning the creation of what became considered the Great Wall. Later parts were eventually added, especially in the fourteenth through seventeenth centuries.
Habakkuk a minor Hebrew prophet of the seventh century B.C. [1/2 definitions]
Hood Island the seventh-largest island of the Galápagos Islands, celebrated for its population of giant tortoises.
Jeremiah a major Hebrew prophet of the seventh and sixth centuries B.C. [1/2 definitions]
July the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
Jy. abbreviation of "July," the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
Libra the seventh sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters about September 23. [1/3 definitions]
major scale in music, a scale of whole steps, with two half-steps that occur between the third and fourth and seventh and eighth steps.
Mars the seventh largest planet in the solar system and fourth from the sun, having two satellites, a diameter of about 4,200 miles, and a ruddy surface that is apparent to the naked eye; the Red Planet. [1/2 definitions]
Nahum according to the Old Testament, a minor prophet of Israel of the seventh century B.C. [1/2 definitions]
Nisan the seventh month of the Jewish lunisolar calendar, occurring from late March through early April in the Gregorian calendar.
Parsi a member of a Zoroastrian sect in modern India that is descended from Persian Zoroastrians who fled Persia in the seventh and eighth centuries to escape religious persecution. [1/2 definitions]
Pentecost a Christian festival on the seventh Sunday after Easter, celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles of Jesus Christ. [1/2 definitions]
Sabbath the day of rest and worship observed by Jews and certain Christians on Saturday, the seventh day of the week. [1/2 definitions]
sabbatical year among the ancient Jews, every seventh year, during which farming ceased. [1/2 definitions]
Sat. abbreviation of "Saturday," the seventh day of the week, occurring between Friday and the beginning of another week on Sunday.
Saturday the seventh day of the week, occurring between Friday and the beginning of another week on Sunday.