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anticity hostile, opposed, or causing harm to urban environments.
antiurban combined form of urban.
beltway a highway that circles or skirts an urban area.
brownstone a house built of or faced with this stone, esp. an urban rowhouse. [1/2 definitions]
Centella a small creeping plant used in herbal medicine, also called urban spadeleaf, gotu kola, or Asiatic pennywort. [1/2 definitions]
Central Park the first urban park in the U.S., developed in 1873, located in the Manhattan borough of New York City.
citify to accustom to city life; cause to adopt urban manners and styles.
cliff dweller (informal) a person who lives in a many-storied urban apartment house. [1/2 definitions]
conurbation a large urban area composed of cities and suburbs that have grown and merged together.
HUD abbreviation of "Housing and Urban Development."
landscape architecture the art or profession of planning or changing rural or urban land for a desired effect, often both practical and aesthetic.
metropolis any major urban area; city.
metropolitan of, pertaining to, or designating a major city, its suburbs, and other neighboring communities; urban. [1/7 definitions]
mews urban stables or carriage houses, esp. in England, that were built along an alley or grouped around a court, many of which have subsequently been converted into small houses or apartments.
neon (informal) characteristic of a gaudy urban nightlife area; cheap, colorful, and tawdry. [1/5 definitions]
nonurban combined form of urban.
provincialism narrow-mindedness, lack of sophistication, or the like, associated with or considered the result of remoteness from urban centers of culture and intellectual activity. [1/2 definitions]
redevelop to restore or rebuild (an urban area, neighborhood, or the like). [1/2 definitions]
superblock an urban area, much larger than a city block, usu. closed to traffic, and having residences and commercial, social, and recreational facilities.
tenement house an overcrowded, usu. run-down apartment building, esp. one in a slum area of an urban region.
town an urban area. [1/4 definitions]