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Antananarivo the capital of Madagascar; Tananarive.
aye-aye a nocturnal lemur found in Madagascar that has shaggy dark brown fur, a long bushy tail, large ears, long clawlike fingers, and strong rodentlike teeth.
Comoro Islands a group of islands between the coast of northern Mozambique and northern Madagascar. (See Comoros.)
lemur any of several small, tree-dwelling, nocturnal mammals that have large, round eyes, a foxlike face, and a long, furry tail, and that are native to Madagascar and nearby islands.
Malagasy a native or citizen of Madagascar, or a descendant thereof. [2 definitions]
Mauritius an island country in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar.
raffia a type of palm native to Madagascar, or the fiber harvested from its leafstalks, used for rope, basketweaving, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
Seychelles an island country in the Indian Ocean, northeast of Madagascar.