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changeover the process of conversion from one system or condition to another.
dynamoelectric of or pertaining to the conversion of mechanical energy to electric energy or vice versa.
engine a machine that derives force and motion from the conversion of energy, such as fuel or electricity, to work. [1/3 definitions]
extra point see "conversion."
goalpost in football, either of two upright posts supported by a crossbar, defining an area through which a field goal or conversion must be kicked. [1/2 definitions]
metrication conversion to the metric system of measurement from an older system.
point after touchdown see "conversion."
privatization the conversion of an industry, business, or the like from government ownership or control to ownership or control by the private sector.
reborn having had a profound experience of religious conversion. [1/3 definitions]
reconversion combined form of conversion.
redemption the exchange or conversion, as of coupons for goods or securities into cash. [1/5 definitions]
saponify of a fat, to undergo conversion to soap. [1/4 definitions]
Saul the name of the apostle Paul before his conversion to Christianity. [1/2 definitions]
superheat to heat (a vapor or gas) to such a high temperature that a decrease in temperature or increase in pressure will not result in conversion to liquid. [1/3 definitions]
translation conversion; transformation. [1/4 definitions]
transmutation in alchemy, the conversion of base metals into gold or silver. [1/3 definitions]
tuner something used to tune, esp. the radio or television part used to select signals of a particular frequency for conversion into sound or pictures. [1/2 definitions]
wind turbine a device that generates electricity through the conversion of the wind's kinetic energy.
Zoroastrianism the religion of the Persians prior to their conversion to Islam, which is based on the belief in a supreme deity, Ahura Mazda, and which emphasizes the struggle between good and evil.