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Dictionary Suite
lurid sensational; shocking or dramatic. [1/3 definitions]
McCarthyism the practices of making sensational and often unfounded charges, of alleging guilt by association, and of conducting inquisitorial proceedings, esp. as in the anticommunist crusade of Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s.
nine days' wonder something that is briefly sensational or fascinating.
nonsensational combined form of sensational.
paparazzo a reporter or photographer, often free-lance, who aggressively seeks out celebrities in order to photograph them or write sensational articles about them for the popular media.
pulp a book or magazine containing sensational material, or the tawdry writing contained therein. [1/8 definitions]
scandal sheet a newspaper or other publication that specializes in gossip and sensational stories, esp. concerning celebrities.
shocker1 something or someone that shocks, such as a sensational or scandalous story or event.
tabloid a newspaper with pages approximately half the standard size, often containing sensational material or gossip. [2 definitions]
the gory details (informal) all the details, esp. unpleasant or sensational ones.
unsensational combined form of sensational.
yellow journalism the use of sensational or unscrupulous material in newspapers and the like, with the aim of attracting or influencing readers.