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AL abbreviation of "Alabama," a southeastern U.S. state located between Georgia and Mississippi.
Alabama a southeastern U.S. state located between Georgia and Mississippi. (abbr.: AL)
AR abbreviation of "Arkansas," a south central U.S. state between Mississippi and Oklahoma.
Arkansas a south central U.S. state between Mississippi and Oklahoma. (abbr.: AR)
Chickasaw a member of a tribe of North American Indians originally of Mississippi, now in Oklahoma. [1/2 definitions]
Deep South the southeastern U.S. region, esp. Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, considered most typically Southern.
Emmett Till a young, black American who, at age 14, in 1955, was brutally lynched in Mississippi after being accused of whistling at or otherwise flirting with a white woman.
Jackson the capital of Mississippi.
LA abbreviation of "Louisiana," a southern U.S. state between Mississippi and Texas.
Louisiana a southern U.S. state between Mississippi and Texas. (abbr.: LA)
Louisiana Purchase the treaty of 1803 in which the United States purchased from France the territory extending from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains and from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada, or the territory itself.
Medgar Evers American civil rights activist during the 1950s and early sixties. Evers worked to desegregate Mississippi schools, set up voter registration drives, helped organize economic boycotts of white businesses engaging in discrimination, and investigated crimes against black citizens. He was assassinated by a member of a white supremacist group in 1963. (b. 1925--d. 1963).
Mississippi a river that flows from Minnesota south through the Midwest, along the border between Mississippi and Louisiana, and into the Gulf of Mexico. [1/2 definitions]
Mississippian of or pertaining to the Mississippi River or the state of Mississippi. [2/4 definitions]
Mississippi River a river that flows from Minnesota south through the Midwest, along the border between Mississippi and Louisiana, and into the Gulf of Mexico.
Missouri a river that flows from Montana southeast through Missouri and is the main tributary of the Mississippi. [1/2 definitions]
Missouri River a river that flows from Montana mainly southeast until it joins the Mississippi River in Missouri. It is the longest river in the United States and is the main tributary of the Mississippi.
Mound Builders the early Indian peoples of North America who built extensive burial mounds, mainly in the Mississippi Valley.
MS1 abbreviation of "Mississippi," a U.S. state on the Gulf of Mexico between Alabama and Louisiana.
Ohio a river that flows along the eastern and southern borders of this state from western Pennsylvania and into the Mississippi. [1/2 definitions]
paddlefish a large fish, found in the Mississippi and Yangtze river basins, that has a long flat snout shaped like a paddle.