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be to take place or happen. [1/10 definitions]
befall to take place; happen. [1/2 definitions]
come to pass to take place; happen.
countdown the procedures and performance checks that take place during a countdown. [1/2 definitions]
courtroom a room in which law court proceedings take place.
cyberspace the electronic medium of globally networked computers, esp. when conceived of as a three-dimensional space where online communication and transactions take place.
D-day the day, kept secret, on which a military attack or other important action is scheduled to take place. [1/2 definitions]
field any of various open areas where sports contests take place. [1/11 definitions]
follow to take place after. [1/15 definitions]
futurity a race, esp. for horses, in which entries are made long before the event is to take place. [1/6 definitions]
happen to take place; occur. [2/4 definitions]
occur to take place; happen. [1/3 definitions]
post1 a pole or stake placed in the ground to serve as a marker, or for supporting a fence or other structure. [1/6 definitions]
precursor one that comes before and proclaims the arrival of someone or something; indication that a specific event will soon take place. [1/2 definitions]
prescient having or exhibiting knowledge of events before they take place.
prize ring a raised platform, enclosed by ropes, in which prizefights take place; boxing ring. [1/2 definitions]
quorum the number of members that an organization's rules require to attend a meeting in order for voting or other business to take place.
sitting a scheduled period during which an activity will take place with seated participants, such as the serving of a meal in a hotel or aboard ship. [1/4 definitions]
stage to cause to take place, as an event or performance for public viewing. [1/11 definitions]
summit a meeting of government leaders of the highest level, esp. one in which negotiations will take place. [1/5 definitions]
supervene to take place later in the course of something as a change, interruption, or unexpected addition. [1/2 definitions]