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actinomycin any of several antibiotics derived from soil bacteria that work against certain other bacteria and fungi.
aerobic of or pertaining to aerobes, such as bacteria. [1/3 definitions]
anaerobe any of various microorganisms, such as certain bacteria, that are capable of living without air or oxygen.
antibacterial active in killing bacteria.
antibiotic any of various substances derived from fungi or other organisms and used to destroy or prevent the growth of bacteria or other disease-causing organisms. [1/2 definitions]
aseptic free of bacteria or germs that cause disease or decay. [1/3 definitions]
Asiatic cholera an acute, infectious, often fatal disease caused by bacteria and characterized by severe diarrhea, intestinal cramps, and dehydration; cholera.
bacteremia the presence of bacteria in blood.
bacteria pl. of bacterium. Bacteria are one-celled microscopic organisms of various shapes that are often agents of fermentation and putrefaction and that, in some cases, cause disease.
bactericide something that can kill bacteria.
bacteriology the science that is concerned with bacteria.
bacteriophage any virus that attacks and kills bacteria.
biodegradable subject to decomposition by the action of living organisms such as bacteria.
biological warfare the use of living organisms such as bacteria or viruses to kill or disable people or destroy their food supply.
bioluminescence the emission of light produced naturally by certain kinds of insects, fish, or bacteria, or such light itself.
biotech abbreviation of "biotechnology"; the use of living organisms, esp. cells and bacteria, to create useful products.
biotechnology the use of living organisms, esp. cells and bacteria, to create useful products.
blood test any test of the blood, as to determine type, red or white blood count, or the presence of antibodies or bacteria.
botulin a toxin produced by the bacteria botulinus, and which causes botulism.
brucellosis a bacteria-induced disease that causes recurring fever and pains in the joints in people and abortions in cattle; undulant fever; Malta fever; Mediterranean fever.
bubonic plague an epidemic disease caused by bacteria transmitted from rats to humans by fleas, spread by contagion and characterized by chills, fever, swollen glands, and weakness.