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anarchist a person who encourages disobedience toward any or all established governments. [1/2 definitions]
contempt in law, overt disrespect for or disobedience of a judge, court, or legislature. [1/3 definitions]
Daniel according to the Old Testament, a Hebrew prophet employed at the Babylonian court who was cast into a lions' den as a punishment for disobedience, but emerged unharmed. [1/2 definitions]
noncooperation refusal to cooperate with or obey a government, as in acts of civil disobedience. [1/2 definitions]
original sin in Christianity, the sin of disobedience committed by Adam and Eve, for which they and all humans were made to suffer pain and mortality.
peremptory not permitting refusal or disobedience. [1/4 definitions]
sanction something intended to ensure compliance with a law, such as a penalty for disobedience. [1/8 definitions]