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bleach to make white or lighter in color by using a chemical agent or sunlight. [1/4 definitions]
burn to injure or damage by excessive exposure to heat, as from flame or sunlight. [1/14 definitions]
dry off to become free of wetness due to exposure to heat, sunlight, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
etiolate to keep (a plant or the like) a light color by preventing exposure to sunlight; blanch; bleach. [2/3 definitions]
euphotic of or characterizing the upper layer of a body of water that receives enough sunlight to allow the growth of green plants.
first quarter the phase of the moon's reflection of sunlight that occurs when the right half of the moon, as seen from the Northern Hemisphere, is radiant, about one week after the new moon.
freckle a light brown dot or mark of pigmentation in the skin, often brought out by exposure to sunlight. [1/3 definitions]
heliotaxis the movement of a freely moving organism toward or away from sunlight.
heliotropism the tendency to turn toward or away from light, esp. sunlight, as in a sunflower.
hyperborean (cap.) in Greek mythology, one of a people said to live in eternal sunlight in a land beyond the north wind. [1/4 definitions]
insolate to treat by exposing to sunlight, as for drying or bleaching.
insolation exposure to sunlight, as for drying, bleaching, or other treatment. [1/3 definitions]
naturopathy a method of treating illness without drugs, relying on massage, sunlight, proper food, and the like.
nuclear winter a hypothesized result of a major nuclear war, wherein massive cloud covers of dust and smoke would block out sunlight, lowering the earth's temperature and destroying most living things.
parch to make very dry, as by sunlight or the application of heat. [1/3 definitions]
parhelion an image of the sun that appears as a bright spot near the sun and is caused by sunlight passing through ice crystals in the upper atmosphere; sundog.
Phoibos Apollo Apollo, in his capacity as the god of sunlight.
photosynthesis the process in plants by which sunlight, with the help of chlorophyll, is converted to chemical energy that is used to synthesize inorganic compounds into organic ones, esp. sugars.
porphyria a hereditary metabolic disorder characterized by the discharge of reddish urine and by extreme sensitivity to sunlight.
portulaca any of various related annual plants that have thick stems and leaves and bear small, brightly colored flowers that open only in sunlight.
rainbow an arc in the sky containing the colors of the visible spectrum, which results from the shining of sunlight on water droplets during or after a rain. [1/2 definitions]