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breadboard a board on which experimental designs for an electrical circuit may be laid out. [1/2 definitions]
fluor any compound that fluoresces when exposed to radiation, often added to experimental samples as a radiation indicator. [1/2 definitions]
guinea pig one subjected to a new or experimental procedure in order to test its validity or effectiveness. [1/2 definitions]
little theater a small theater, producing experimental and usu. amateur drama. [1/2 definitions]
MX abbreviation of "missile, experimental." (see "MX missile.")
nonexperimental combined form of experimental.
nuclear reactor any of several devices that initiate and control a nuclear fission chain reaction to produce energy and material used for experimental and medical purposes.
off Broadway professional drama produced in New York City in small theaters located outside the Broadway theater district and characterized by experimental productions. [2 definitions]
off-Broadway being or pertaining to professional drama produced in New York City in small theaters located outside the Broadway theater district and characterized by experimental productions.
postexperimental combined form of experimental.
test pilot a pilot who flies new or experimental aircraft to examine their conformity to design standards and ascertain their fitness for use.
three-wheeler a vehicle with three wheels, such as a tricycle or some early or experimental cars.
tinker to make or repair, or attempt to make or repair, something in an experimental or unskillful manner. [1/7 definitions]
unpracticed of a method, procedure, or the like, untested, untried, or experimental; not frequently used or done. [1/2 definitions]