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angostura bark the bitter, strong-smelling bark of either of two South American rue trees, used in medicine and as a flavoring in bitters.
aniseed the seed of the anise plant, used as flavoring and in medicine.
banana oil a clear synthetic liquid with a bananalike odor, used as a flavoring or paint solvent, and in the making of lacquers; amyl acetate.
Bavarian cream a dessert composed of gelatin, whipped cream, eggs, and fruit flavoring and similar to a soufflé.
bitters a liquid flavoring or tonic, often alcoholic, made by steeping bitter roots or herbs, used esp. in cocktails.
butterscotch a flavoring or candy prepared from butter, brown sugar, and other ingredients. [1/2 definitions]
caraway an herb bearing clusters of white flowers and aromatic, spicy seeds used as flavoring. [1/2 definitions]
cheesecake a rich cake containing sweetened cream cheese or cottage cheese, milk, eggs, and flavoring. [1/2 definitions]
citric acid an acid derived from the juice of the lime, lemon, or pineapple or from the fermentation of sugars, often used as a flavoring.
concentrate something in concentrated form, such as juice or flavoring. [1/6 definitions]
cress any of various plants related to mustard, such as watercress, whose sharp-tasting leaves are used as flavoring or as a garnish for food.
dill an aromatic herb of the celery family, or its fine leaves or seeds used as flavoring or medicine. [1/2 definitions]
frappé a thick drink made with milk, ice cream, and flavoring, and whipped or shaken together; milk shake. [1/3 definitions]
galangal a plant of the ginger family with aromatic roots used in medicine and flavoring, or its roots. [1/2 definitions]
gelati an Italian frozen dessert made of milk, sugar, gelatin, and flavoring.
gelatin a food or other product made using gelatin, esp. a dessert made with water, fruit juice or flavoring, and sugar. [1/3 definitions]
ginger the spicy root of an originally Asian plant, often used as a spice or flavoring in cooking. [1/3 definitions]
glutamic acid a nonessential amino acid found in proteins that is used as a salt flavoring on meats and other foods.
hip2 the ripened fruit of the rose, used as a source of vitamin C and as a flavoring.
horehound an aromatic herb with fuzzy, whitish leaves and a bitter juice that is used as a flavoring and as a remedy for coughs. [1/3 definitions]
lacing a small portion of something that is added as a flavoring to something else, esp. food or drink. [1/4 definitions]