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creaky showing disrepair or neglect. [1/2 definitions]
default failure to take positive action; neglect. [1/14 definitions]
dilapidate to become ruined or decayed, as from neglect. [1/2 definitions]
dilapidated fallen into disrepair or decay, esp. from neglect or overuse.
disoblige to neglect to tend to, or to go against the wishes of. [1/2 definitions]
fail to neglect or omit to do something important or required. [1/10 definitions]
forfeit something demanded or given up as a penalty for neglect, misdeeds, or other failure to act as required by law, contract, or rules. [3/6 definitions]
forget to neglect inadvertently because of lack of attention. [2/10 definitions]
go to rack and ruin to become dilapidated, as through neglect; decay.
inattention lack of attentiveness; neglect.
languish to suffer in a state of neglect or indifference. [1/3 definitions]
limbo1 a condition or position of neglect, oblivion, or uncertainty. [1/2 definitions]
neglectful tending to neglect; careless or negligent (often fol. by "of").
negligence disregard of, omission of, or failure to do something necessary; carelessness or neglect, esp. when it is habitual. [1/2 definitions]
negligent guilty of neglecting, or tending to neglect. [1/2 definitions]
omit to not include (something) through neglect or by decision; leave out. [2 definitions]
pretermit to overlook or neglect.
remiss characterized by neglect or carelessness. [1/2 definitions]
rust any impairment or deterioration through disuse or neglect, as of ability or morals. [2/6 definitions]
rusty impaired or deteriorated by disuse or neglect; out of practice. [1/3 definitions]
slack1 to be remiss about or neglect; shirk. [1/12 definitions]