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Dictionary Suite
chivalry gallantry, courtesy, loyalty, and other qualities expected of an ideal knight. [1/3 definitions]
civil observing socially acceptable standards of politeness and courtesy. [1/4 definitions]
comity mutual courtesy and respectful treatment among people or nations.
commodore a title of courtesy given to the senior captain of a merchant fleet or to the president of a yacht club. [1/2 definitions]
compliment a formal act of courtesy or respect. [1/5 definitions]
courtesy an instance of courtesy. [1/3 definitions]
devoir (pl.) acts or expressions of courtesy, civility, or respect, such as polite greetings. [1/2 definitions]
don1 (cap.) Sir; a title formerly attached to the name of a Spanish aristocrat or gentleman, now used as a courtesy title. [1/2 definitions]
doņa (cap.) Lady or Madam; a title of respect or courtesy used before a married woman's name in Spain or other Spanish-speaking countries. [1/2 definitions]
escort a person or group of persons accompanying someone so as to protect, guard, guide, or show courtesy. [1/5 definitions]
gallantry courtesy or amorous attentiveness to women. [1/3 definitions]
mannerless lacking courtesy or politeness; without good manners.
mince to restrain or soften for the sake of courtesy or etiquette. [1/7 definitions]
Mister a conventional title of courtesy, usu. abbreviated and placed before a man's last name or title of office. [1/3 definitions]
Mr. abbreviation of "Mister," a conventional title of courtesy, usu. abbreviated and placed before a man's last name or title of office. [1/2 definitions]
Mrs. abbreviation of "Mistress," used as a conventional title of courtesy for a married woman and usually placed before the name she has taken in marriage.
Ms. a conventional title of courtesy often used before the surname of a single or married woman.
salutation a gesture or expression of greeting or courtesy, such as a handshake. [1/2 definitions]
salute to greet with an expression of respect, courtesy, or good will. [1/7 definitions]
scant to treat neglectfully or with insufficient courtesy; slight. [1/6 definitions]
signore an Italian title of courtesy for a man, similar to "Sir" (used without the proper name).