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Dictionary Suite
Afro-American (old-fashioned) of or pertaining to American Blacks, their African heritage, or their history or culture. [1/2 definitions]
birth ancestry or heritage. [1/4 definitions]
ethnic of or related to a large group of people who share a distinctive culture, language, or religion, or who are of the same race or national heritage. [1/3 definitions]
ethnic group a group of people who share a distinctive culture, language, or religion, or who are of the same race or national heritage.
Negritude (sometimes l.c.) an awareness by Blacks of their historical and cultural heritage, and an ideological affirmation of its value.
Palacio Nacional any similar palace that serves as an official presidential residence or site of cultural heritage, such as found in Guatemala and Portugal. [1/2 definitions]
World Heritage Site any of over 800 sites identified on a list maintained by the World Heritage Committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a site of natural splendor or cultural significance that should be protected and preserved.