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albeit notwithstanding; even though.
although in spite of the fact that; even though; though.
any even a very small amount of (used after a negative). [1/7 definitions]
apple pie a pastry dish made with sliced apples and flavored with sugar, cinnamon, and sometimes other spices, often considered typically American or even symbolic of American culture and values.
at all to even the slightest degree or extent; in the least (used in negative statements and questions only).
botulism an often lethal disease of the nervous system caused by ingesting even small amounts of the toxin botulin, produced by a bacterium that grows in poorly preserved or spoiled foods.
close nearly alike or nearly even. [1/23 definitions]
colorfast having color that will not fade even with exposure to sun or multiple washings.
crackle to cause to become covered with fine cracks, even to the point of breaking. [1/9 definitions]
dream to have as a wish, aim, or hope, even if difficult or unobtainable. [1/13 definitions]
Dutch bob a haircut with bangs and a straight, even cut over the ears.
e'en contracted form of "even" (used chiefly in literature). [1/2 definitions]
even to become even. [1/17 definitions]
even-steven (informal) even or in balance with reference to another; without having an advantage in amount, degree, or the like over another.
five o'clock shadow (informal) the later appearance of new beard growth on a man's face, even though he has shaved in the morning.
flush2 so as to be on the same plane or in the same line; level or even. [1/6 definitions]
fusee a match with a large head ignited by friction and capable of burning even in a wind. [1/4 definitions]
gestalt in psychology, a cognitive pattern that is whole and unified and cannot be predicted or inferred from its individual elements, even when they are considered together.
get away with murder (informal) to avoid punishment for wrongdoing, or avoid detection of such, even if the wrongdoing is serious (generally used metaphorically rather than literally).
gimbals (sometimes sing.; used with a sing. verb) a device using pivots that supports something such as a compass on a ship and keeps it level even when the support is in motion.
grade to make level or even. [1/9 definitions]