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carapace a horny covering or shield on the back of certain animals such as turtles and crustaceans.
feather one of the structures forming the plumage of birds, consisting of a hollow, tapering, horny shaft growing from the skin and bearing a web of slender, parallel, interlocked barbs on either side. [1/12 definitions]
hagfish a small eellike marine fish with horny teeth and a round, jawless, sucking mouth.
hawksbill a sea turtle with a hawklike beak and a horny shell that is a source of tortoiseshell.
hoof the hard horny covering that encases the foot of certain mammals such as horses, pigs, and deer. [1/5 definitions]
hornbill any of several tropical birds having a large curved bill, usu. with a horny bulge.
keratosis any disease of the skin characterized by horny growths. [2 definitions]
nail a horny, natural growth that partially covers the end of a finger or toe; fingernail or toenail. [1/7 definitions]
pinfeather an undeveloped feather just emerging through the skin of a bird, and often still encased in a horny sheath.
platypus an egg-laying mammal of Australia and Tasmania that has webbed feet for swimming, a broad, horny bill like that of a duck, and a long, flat tail, and that lives in and near water.
scute any external horny or bony plate, as on the shell of a turtle, that serves as protection.
scutum a heavy, horny plate on certain animals such as the turtle or armadillo; scute. [1/2 definitions]
theca in biology, a case, covering, or sac that encloses an organ, part, or entire organism, such as the horny covering of an insect pupa or the spore case of a moss capsule.
tortoiseshell the horny, mottled, yellowish-brown shell of certain turtles, esp. the hawksbill, or imitations of this material, used to make combs, eyeglass frames, and decorative objects.
whalebone a durable, horny, elastic substance that grows in plates or strips in the upper jaw of certain whales, serving to filter plankton from water passing through the whale's mouth. [1/2 definitions]