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conversion the process through which a person adopts new beliefs, esp. those of a specific religion. [1/6 definitions]
convert a person who has been converted or who has adopted new beliefs, esp. those of a specific religion or political doctrine. [1/5 definitions]
coreligionist a person who follows the same religion as another; fellow worshiper.
creed any formulated system of principles, beliefs, or opinions, esp. in a religion. [1/2 definitions]
cross a sign, insignia, or monument in the form of a cross, esp. that signifying the Christian religion. [1/16 definitions]
cult the rituals and observances of a particular religion, esp. those pertaining to a single deity. [2/4 definitions]
defection the act of deserting or renouncing loyalty to something to which one is supposed to be loyal, such as one's country, duty, religion, or party. [1/2 definitions]
devout earnestly devoted to religion; pious. [1/3 definitions]
dharma conformity to the essence of the universe or one's self, and therefore to virtue, religion, and law. [1/2 definitions]
enthusiast a person who practices religion in a highly emotional, unorthodox, or fanatical way; zealot. [1/2 definitions]
ethnic of or related to a large group of people who share a distinctive culture, language, or religion, or who are of the same race or national heritage. [2/3 definitions]
ethnic group a group of people who share a distinctive culture, language, or religion, or who are of the same race or national heritage.
faith any specific religion and its doctrines and observances. [1/5 definitions]
faithful the devoted followers of a religion, esp. Christianity or Islam (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/7 definitions]
fakir a wandering beggar of the Muslim or Hindu religion, esp. one who performs remarkable feats such as lying on a bed of nails.
fanatic one who has excessive and uncritical zeal or devotion to a principle, cause, religion, leader, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
ghetto a part of a town or city in which members of a particular race, religion, nationality, ethnic group, or the like are forced by law to live. [1/3 definitions]
heterodox deviating from an officially approved belief or doctrine, esp. in religion. [1/2 definitions]
hijab the cloth that covers the head, hair, and neck of Muslim women, worn in observance to religion. [1/2 definitions]
holy devoted to the church, to God, or to religion. [1/4 definitions]
intermarry to marry a member of another racial or ethnic group, religion, or the like. [1/3 definitions]