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electron gun the electron-emitting cathode in a cathode ray tube together with the electromagnetic apparatus that collects and focuses the electron stream.
embolism in pathology, the obstruction or closure of a blood vessel by undissolved matter carried in the blood stream.
fall (usu. pl.) a sudden drop in a river or stream that causes water to fall; waterfall. [1/19 definitions]
feeder a contributing segment of a larger unit, such as a stream that flows into a river or a branch of a railroad that joins a main line. [1/5 definitions]
flamethrower a military weapon that shoots a stream of ignited incendiary fuel such as gas or napalm.
flow to move steadily and easily like a stream. [2/8 definitions]
flume a narrow gorge or ravine through which a stream flows. [1/3 definitions]
fluorescent lamp a glass tube with a fluorescent coating on the inside that gives off light when the mercury vapor in the tube is bombarded with a stream of electrons.
fountain a spring or head of a stream. [1/5 definitions]
fountainhead a spring in which a stream has its origin. [1/2 definitions]
freshet a sudden rise or overflow of a stream, because of heavy rain or a sudden thaw. [2 definitions]
geyser a spring that erupts periodically, spewing up a stream of hot water, steam, or mud.
gorge a narrow space between rocky cliffs, usu. with a stream at the bottom; ravine. [1/6 definitions]
gulch a stony ravine with steep sides, esp. one having a seasonal stream running through it.
gulfweed any of a variety of brown seaweeds found in the Gulf Stream and Caribbean, bearing spherical air bladders.
gurgle to flow out in a noisy, bubbling stream. [1/4 definitions]
head the source or beginning of a stream or river; headwater. [1/20 definitions]
headstream a stream that forms the source or one of the sources of a river.
hole a small deep pool in a stream. [1/9 definitions]
inlet a bay, stream, or the like that is recessed into or leads inland from a shoreline. [1/3 definitions]
interior monologue in literature, material that expresses a character's inner thoughts, often presented in stream-of-consciousness narrative.