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Dictionary Suite
fritter1 a bit or shred. [1/3 definitions]
gleanings something that is gleaned or collected bit by bit.
item a particular bit of information, usu. extracted from or placed in a large context such as a newspaper. [1/2 definitions]
jot a very tiny part; bit. [1/2 definitions]
kit and kaboodle (informal) every bit of a group or collection (usu. prec. by "whole").
mad money (informal) a bit of money set aside for emergency use or for nonessential or frivolous purchases.
Mexican hairless a small dog of a breed esp. found in Mexico, having no hair on its body except for a bit on the head and tail.
mite2 a little bit (used adverbially, prec. by "a"). [1/3 definitions]
molecule a tiny piece or particle; bit. [1/2 definitions]
morsel a bite-sized amount; small piece or bit. [1/2 definitions]
nibble a small bite or bit of food. [1/8 definitions]
nubbin a small piece or part; chunk; bit. [1/2 definitions]
old wives' tale a superstition, usu. embodied as a folk tale or bit of folk wisdom.
quantum bit a fundamental unit of information in quantum computing that is equivalent to the binary bit used in traditional computing; qubit. Whereas the binary bit can only exist in two states (0 or 1), the quantum bit can exist in three states (0, 1, or 0 and 1 simultaneously).
qubit a fundamental unit of information in quantum computing that is equivalent to the binary bit used in traditional computing; quantum bit. Whereas the binary bit can only exist in two states (0 or 1), the qubit can exist in three states (0, 1, or 0 and 1 simultaneously).
rap2 (informal) the slightest amount; a tiny bit.
rein (usu. pl.) a set of leather straps attached to both ends of a bridle bit by which a driver or rider can control an animal such as a horse. [1/5 definitions]
scrabble an awkward or careless bit of writing; scribble. [1/4 definitions]
scrap1 a small bit or fragment, esp. a leftover or discarded piece. [1/6 definitions]
shoot a bit of new growth, as on a plant, bush, or tree. [1/19 definitions]
side check a checkrein that attaches to the bit and extends from the side of a horse's head to the saddle.