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gallfly any of various insects that deposit eggs in plant stems or tree bark causing the formation of galls in which the larvae feed.
glaciology the scientific study of the nature, formation, and movements of glaciers. [1/2 definitions]
grammar the formal rules of a language, esp. those pertaining to sentence structure but also those pertaining to the formation and function of words and to those governing pronunciation. [1/4 definitions]
hematopoiesis the formation of blood cells.
hematopoietic pertaining to the formation of blood cells.
histone any of a group of simple proteins that are found in the nuclei of cells and are involved in the formation of chromatin.
I formation in football, an offensive formation in which the halfback and fullback line up directly behind the quarterback.
insular of or relating to an island or the formation of an island. [1/4 definitions]
Jack Jefferies U.S. three-time world champion formation skydiver (b.1966).
leavening an agent such as yeast or baking powder that causes the formation of carbon dioxide gas in batter or dough, causing it to expand and rise. [1/2 definitions]
limbic system a set of brain structures, located at the border (or limbus) separating the cerebral hemisphere from the brain stem, that support emotional responses, behavior, memory formation, and olfaction.
lithology the character of a rock or rock formation, determined by its structure, composition, and classification. [1/2 definitions]
lobation the formation of or condition of having lobes. [1/2 definitions]
lode a deposit of a mineral, such as copper ore, that fills a crack in a rock formation. [1/3 definitions]
malformation faulty or abnormal formation, esp. in the structure of a living organism; defect.
mineralize to develop, or speed up the development of, mineral formation. [1/4 definitions]
monoclinal of, pertaining to, or designating a geological formation in which rock strata incline in one direction. [2 definitions]
monocline a rock formation in which the rock strata incline in only one direction; monoclinal.
monoclinic of or designating a system of crystal formation in which three crystal axes of unequal length intersect, two at right angles and one obliquely.
monogenesis in plants, asexual reproduction, as by formation of spores. [1/2 definitions]
morphology in linguistics, the study of word formation. [1/4 definitions]