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pressure the applying of constant force upon a surface. [1/4 definitions]
proportional in math, having a constant relation among variables. [1/3 definitions]
rain a rapid and constant fall of anything. [1/8 definitions]
restless in constant motion, as a natural phenomenon. [1/5 definitions]
ring2 any loud or constant sound. [1/18 definitions]
steadily in a regular, even, constant way.
stratosphere a layer of the upper atmosphere that extends from about six to about thirty miles above the earth's surface and has a relatively constant temperature. [1/2 definitions]
thermoregulation the maintenance by a living body of a constant internal body temperature regardless of outside environmental temperature.
unsettled not fixed, stable, or constant; variable or changeable, as the weather. [1/6 definitions]
unvarying unchanging; constant.
variable likely to change; not constant. [1/3 definitions]
vibrant full of energy or constant activity as if vibrating or pulsing. [1/3 definitions]
voracious having a great and constant desire for a particular activity or pursuit. [1/2 definitions]
wanderlust a strong, constant desire to travel.
warm-blooded designating animals whose body temperature remains relatively constant and warm, independent of the surrounding temperature. [1/2 definitions]
watch close or constant observation; vigil; guard. [1/10 definitions]
zero population growth a condition in a given population in which the number of live births equals the number of deaths, so that the population remains constant.
ZPG abbreviation of "zero population growth," a condition in a given population in which the number of live births equals the number of deaths, so that the population remains constant.