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Dictionary Suite
respect the state or condition of being regarded with admiration, esteem, or honor, or such admiration itself. [1/8 definitions]
respected held in honorable esteem or admiration. [1/2 definitions]
romantic inclined to idealize and be sentimental or passionate about those for whom one feels affection or admiration. [1/8 definitions]
tribute something given, done, or said to express respect, admiration, or obligation. [1/3 definitions]
unimpressed not affected or moved, especially to admiration or respect, by something or someone.
vanity an excessive admiration of oneself, esp. one's appearance; conceit; vainness. [1/6 definitions]
wonder to experience a sensation of admiration or amazement (often fol. by at). [3/7 definitions]
wonderful causing feelings of wonder or admiration; excellent; extraordinary.
wonder-stricken stricken or overcome with wonder; full of awe, admiration, or the like; deeply moved or affected.
wonderstruck struck or overcome with wonder; deeply affected; full of awe, admiration, or the like.
work of art anything made, produced, performed, or the like that arouses admiration because of the great beauty, originality, or skill that it manifests. [1/2 definitions]
worship to feel great admiration, devotion, or adoration for. [1/6 definitions]