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Multi-word Results
a leg to stand on a valid or convincing basis for a point of view.
can't stand (informal) to hate something.
make one's hair stand on end to strike with terror or fear.
Mexican stand-off a position of impasse with the possibility of hostile aggression.
music stand a vertically adjustable rack for holding sheets of music for a performer or conductor.
one-night stand an engagement for a single performance in one place by an entertainer, speaker, or the like. [2 definitions]
stand a chance to have a possibility of (winning, succeeding, obtaining, or the like).
stand around to stand in a spot without doing anything.
stand for to symbolize or represent. [2 definitions]
stand on ceremony to act in a formal or ceremonious fashion.
stand out to become more noticeable or easily recognized by being significantly different from or superior to others.
stand pat to refuse to change one's decision, policy, or opinion.
stand to reason to make logical sense; be understandable.
stand up to move your body into a standing position, or to be in a standing position. [2 definitions]
stand up for to speak out in order to protect (rights, freedoms, or the like). [2 definitions]
stand up to to boldly confront or fight back against (someone stronger or in authority) because of a real or perceived injustice. [2 definitions]
stand-in a person who substitutes for another, esp. in film production or the theater. [2 definitions]
stand-up done in or requiring a standing position. [4 definitions]
standing army a nation's permanent army, maintained in peacetime as well as during war.
standing order an order that is in effect until it is changed or nullified. [2 definitions]