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Multi-word Results
be to do with (chiefly British) to be about or have a connection with; have to do with.
can-do reflecting an eagerness to take on something combined with the belief in one's ability to accomplish it.
could do with would benefit from (something); need or needs to some degree.
cut out for having a suitable character, personality, or natural aptitude for something.
derring-do daring or courageous deeds.
do away with to abolish, discard, or discontinue. [2 definitions]
do good to do things that help or positively affect others.
do nails to apply cosmetic polish to fingernails.
do one's bit to give one's effort to a particular endeavor, often one that is shared with others; do one's share.
do one's hair to arrange one's own or another person's hair in a particular style.
do one's makeup to apply makeup, usually to the face.
do or die to make the ultimate effort.
do over to do (something) again. [2 definitions]
do somebody good to have a beneficial effect on someone.
do the dishes to take care of dirty dishes by washing and possibly also drying.
do the honors to function as a host; serve.
do the ironing to press with a hot iron those clothes or other materials that are in need of pressing.
do the laundry to wash clothes and other things that have become dirty, and usually to cause them to dry in some particular way.
do the trick to accomplish a result that one wants.
do time to spend time in jail or prison as a person convicted of a crime.