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Multi-word Results
make hay while the sun shines to take advantage of an opportunity or get necessary work done while conditions are favorable.
midnight sun the sun as it is seen at midnight during summer in the arctic and antarctic regions.
place in the sun an advantageous or prominent position.
sun bath exposure of the skin to direct sunlight or a sunlamp, esp. to get a suntan.
sun dance a ritual dance performed by certain North American Plains Indians at the summer solstice.
sun deck a platform, porch, ship's deck, or the like used for sunbathing.
sun disk an ancient Near Eastern religious symbol representing the sun god and consisting of a disk and two serpents flanked by a pair of outstretched wings. [2 definitions]
sun god a personification of the sun, worshiped as a god. [2 definitions]
sun porch a porch with large windows designed to let in large amounts of sunlight.
sun-cured preserved by drying in the sun.
Sunbelt (informal; sometimes l.c.) the region that includes the southern and southwestern U.S. states.
under the sun in existence; in the world; on earth.