Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
U-2 a U.S. aircraft formerly used for surveillance from very high altitudes.
U-boat a German submarine.
U-joint variant of universal joint.
U-turn a smooth, continuous turn by a vehicle involving a change in direction of 180 degrees.
U.S. abbreviation of "United States," a North American country extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific between Canada and Mexico and including Alaska and Hawaii; United States of America (prec. by, "the").
U.S. Open a major annual tennis tournament held in the U.S. in late summer, open to all contestants, amateur and professional.
U.S.A. abbreviation of "United States of America," a North American country extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific between Canada and Mexico and including Alaska and Hawaii, also known as "United States" (prec. by, "the").
U.S.S.R. abbreviation of "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics," formerly, a country, comprising fifteen constituent republics, in eastern Europe and northern Asia; Soviet Union.