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Multi-word Results
Beaufort scale a scale that rates the force and speed of wind from 0, "calm," to 12 or more, "hurricane".
Binet-Simon scale a series of tests graded according to the mental abilities at different ages of the average population, esp. children, with which the abilities of the individual test-taker can be compared.
chromatic scale a musical scale consisting of all half steps.
full-scale of a copy or model, having the same dimensions as the original; not reduced. [2 definitions]
large-scale large in scope or extent. [2 definitions]
major scale in music, a scale of whole steps, with two half-steps that occur between the third and fourth and seventh and eighth steps.
minor scale any diatonic musical scale in which there is a half-step between the second and third tones of the corresponding major scale.
Mohs scale a scale that designates the comparative hardness of minerals.
platform scale an industrial weighing device fitted with a platform on which esp. large or heavy objects can be placed and weighed.
Richter scale a logarithmic scale from one to ten that is used to measure the intensity and magnitude of an earthquake.
San Jose scale a type of scale insect that destroys fruit trees and other plants.
scale back to reduce the size or extent of something from what it currently is or what it previously had been.
scale insect any of numerous four-winged sucking insects, the females of which cover themselves with a round, waxy scale, under which they live on plants and deposit their eggs.
sliding scale a scale or standard of costs, wages, fees, or the like that varies according to other factors such as cost of living, level of income, or prices.
small-scale constructed with fewer details as a smaller version of an original or of a proposed model. [2 definitions]
wage scale a schedule of the wages paid to workers in a given industry or locality, or paid by a given employer.