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Multi-word Results
cost of living the average cost of food, shelter, clothes, and other basic necessities for a household or a single person.
cost-of-living determined by, or adjusted to, changes in the cost of living.
free-living freely indulging desires and appetites, as for food, drink, or sex, as a way of life.
live high on (or off) the hog (informal) to live in a wealthy or extravagant style or manner.
live in to live and sleep in the same place where one works, usually the private home of one's employer.
live it up to enjoy oneself in an unrestrained or carefree way.
live load any variable weight added to the intrinsic weight of a structure, such as people in a building or moving traffic on a bridge. (Cf. dead load.)
live oak any of various evergreen oaks of the southeastern or southwestern United States. [2 definitions]
live up to to act or succeed in a way that is equal to (certain expectations). [2 definitions]
live wire a wire or other electric conductor that is carrying electric current. [2 definitions]
live with to tolerate; put up with.
living death a completely miserable and joyless life.
living room a room in a residence, usu. with a couch, armchairs, and the like, used for various social and leisure activities.
living wage a wage that provides enough money for living at minimum acceptable standards.
living will a document directing that all medical life-support systems or treatment that prolong the signer's life be ended in the event of a terminal illness.
make a living to earn money to support one's life.
standard of living the level of necessities and comforts of daily life that is available to and affordable by a nation, group, or individual.