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drop kick a kick, formerly used in football, in which the kicker drops the ball and kicks it as it begins to rebound. (Cf. place kick, punt1.)
drop-kick to kick with or make a drop kick.
flutter kick a swimming kick in which the legs are extended horizontally and moved rapidly up and down without bending the knees.
frog kick in swimming, a kick in which the legs are drawn up, forcefully extended back and to the sides, then brought together.
kick a habit to stop doing something that has become a habit or addiction.
kick around (informal) to discuss or consider (an idea, possibility, proposal or the like). [3 definitions]
kick off (informal) to start (something). [2 definitions]
kick out (informal) to expel or oust someone.
kick pleat a double pleat with the edges folded toward each other, as at the bottom of a skirt.
kick the bucket (slang, sometimes offensive) of a person, to die.
kick the habit to rid oneself of an addiction.
kick up one's heels to have a merry time, as in celebration.
kick upstairs (informal) to promote (someone) to a seemingly higher-level job having less responsibility, so as to both flatter and dispose of this person.
penalty kick in soccer, a free kick from a point 12 feet in front of the goal and with only the goalie defending, awarded to one team to penalize a violation by the other team. [2 definitions]
place kick in football, a kick made while the ball is held upright on the ground, as in a field-goal attempt or kickoff. (Cf. drop kick, punt1.)
scissors kick a swimming kick, as in the sidestroke, in which the legs are parted, one forward and one back, and then brought together forcefully.
spin kick a martial arts move in which a person jumps spinning into the air to deliver a kick.