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Multi-word Results
chamber music music that is written for a small number of instruments, such as a string quartet, and suited for performance in an intimate setting.
country music popular music that comes from the folk music of the southern or southwestern United States. It generally employs a variety of stringed instruments such as guitar and fiddle.
electronic music music that is produced electronically by an instrument such as a synthesizer.
face the music (informal) to assume responsibility for one's actions; face the consequences.
folk music music originated, handed down, and played or sung by the common folk of a region or country, often fairly simple and repetitive in structure. [2 definitions]
music box a box containing a mechanical device that plays music when the lid is lifted.
music hall an auditorium in which musical performances are presented. [2 definitions]
music of the spheres music that early mathematicians, such as Pythagoras, thought was produced by the movements of the heavenly bodies, but which was inaudible on earth.
music room in a school, a classroom where music is taught and where instruments may be kept.
music stand a vertically adjustable rack for holding sheets of music for a performer or conductor.
pop music popular music with, typically, a strong and singable tune, which is often accompanied by a rhythm suitable for informal dancing. It is usually performed by relatively small musical groups. Pop music is usually distinguished from classical music, religious music, jazz, and country music.
program music instrumental music intended to evoke or depict a scene, story, event, or the like.
sheet music music printed on loose or unbound sheets of paper.
soul music a type of music combining elements of Black gospel and rhythm-and-blues.