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nuclear emulsion any of several photographic emulsions used to record the tracks of charged subatomic particles.
nuclear energy energy released from atomic nuclei, as in nuclear fission or fusion.
nuclear family a self-contained unit consisting of a father and mother and their children living together in one household. (Cf. extended family.)
nuclear fission the splitting of an atomic nucleus into lighter fragments, usu. two of comparable mass, with an accompanying release of energy, as in the explosion of an atomic bomb.
nuclear fusion the fusion of atomic nuclei into a more massive nucleus, accompanied by a release of energy, as in the explosion of a hydrogen bomb.
nuclear physics the branch of physics that deals with the forces, behaviors, and structures of atomic nuclei.
nuclear reactor any of several devices that initiate and control a nuclear fission chain reaction to produce energy and material used for experimental and medical purposes.
nuclear winter a hypothesized result of a major nuclear war, wherein massive cloud covers of dust and smoke would block out sunlight, lowering the earth's temperature and destroying most living things.