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turn down

turn down

part of speech: phrase
definition 1: to decrease the power, volume, temperature, or brightness of (something), as by turning a dial.
Please turn down the radio.The oven temperature was set too high, so I turned it down.
dim, lower
turn up
definition 2: to decline, refuse, or reject (something or someone).
She said she was busy and turned down my invitation.They turned me down for the job.
definition 3: to pull (a bed sheet or the like) downward and over so that it partially covers something else, such as a blanket.
The chambermaid turned down the sheet at the head of the bed and positioned the pillows.
definition 4: to unfold and pull down (a hem, cuff, or the like) in order to make something longer.
The slacks were a little too short, so he turned down the cuffs.The skirt looked better on me after I turned down the hem.